
knitting machine | máquina de tejido

This past friday I started knitting machine classes, on a machine from Singer that purls & knitts & you can also make different stitches & patterns altering the pressure on the yarn & you knitt waaaaay fast.
El viernes pasado empecé mis clases de tejido en máquina, en una máquina Singer que teje derecho & revés & también hace diferentes puntos & patrones modificando la presión en el estambre a parte de que tejes muuuuy rápido.

Moni introduced me to this machine, she recently opened a knitting/coffee shop in Guadalajara called OMA in which you can also try delicious german food.
Quién me presentó ésta máquia fue Moni, quién ha abierto un café de tejido en Guadalajara llamado OMA en dónde además de aprender a tejer, puedes degustar de una suculenta comida estilo alemán.
Calle Argentina 20
Esq. Morelos

Horario de Servicio Comedor
Lun-Mar 12:30 a 23:00 hrs
Mie-Sab 12:30 a 24:00 hrs

Clases deTejido/Knitting classes:
Lun: 21:00 hrs en adelante
Mar: 19:00 hrs en adelante
Sáb: 12:30 pm a 19:00

Tel. 3825 2915


bad bad blogger

I know, it's been a while, so this is a list of what I was up too the last part of 2010:
1. I became an aunt!

2. I baked a lot of pecan butter cookies for the humans & ginger bones for the pups & made christmas punch, grandma's recipe.
3. We stopped a lot to our local new bakery

4. Good bye's & hello's to old & new friends

5. We took the dogs to the beach for christmas, had the best short vacation ever
6. Work is crazy but I had a small eh.mio sale at work & everybody was very happy, so I'm happy
7. Got the new ehmio.com redesign almost done
8. Tide up the house a little bit, framing & hanging art
9. Gettin' in to shape my old to sewing machines.
10. Been pining in this new fun site, follow me!